Od slovenského Dopravného úradu jsme dostali nabídku se zúčastnit on-line semináře ERA ve spolupráci s maďarským ministerstvem technologií a průmyslu.
Ilustrační foto: Apollo, dělič s neutrálním polem v Kadani
Vážená spoločnosť,
Dopravný úrad si Vám dovoľuje zaslať informáciu o konaní 10. seminára Železničnej agentúry EÚ, ktorý je realizovaný v spolupráci s maďarským Ministerstvom technológií a priemyslu. Uvedený seminár sa bude konať výhradne on-line formou dňa 11. 10. 2022 od 08:40 hod. do 17:00 hod. s nosným názvom „Rozvoj železničnej bezpečnosti a interoperability v zrkadle 4. železničného balíka“.
Podľa informácií od organizátora, ktorým je maďarský národný bezpečnostný orgán, je pre účastníkov pripravených celkom 23 rôznych prezentácií v oblasti bezpečnosti a interoperability železníc.
Seminár bude vedený v anglickom jazyku v tlmočení do jazyka maďarského.
Registrácia na seminár je možná vyplnením internetového formulára na adrese: https://era.eventcloud.hu/registration.html
Viac informácií od organizátora seminára nájdete v anglickom jazyku nižšie v tejto správe. Dopravný úrad daný seminár neorganizuje, preto v prípade doplňujúcich otázok kontaktujte pána Tamása Dériho (v anglickom alebo maďarskom jazyku) na e-mailovej adrese: tamas.deri@tim.gov.hu.
S úctou,
Ing. Ivan Škoda, EUR ING, MBA
riaditeľ divízie dráh a dopravy na dráhach
Dopravný úrad
Dear Madame/Sir,
On behalf of European Agency for Railways and Department of Railway Authority of the Hungarian Ministry of Technology and Industry, we cordially invite you to the 10th Budapest’s ERA workshop, which will be held online. A total of 23 presentations will be held at the virtual ERA workshop, with presentations from the Executive Director and experts of the European Agency for Railways furthermore from EU Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, as well as other speakers representing different European railway organizations.
The theme of the workshop is: ‘The development of rail safety and interoperability in the mirror of a 4th Railway Package’. The program of the workshop is included in the agenda, which will be uploaded to the link of the workshop after its finalization.
Date of the workshop: 11 October 2022 between 08.40 and 17.00 hours. The plenary session will be held in the morning and, following the lunch break, in 2 sections (interoperability section and railway safety section) will continue. The passage between the sections will be ensured, and you can choose between the presentations at your discretion.
Participation in the workshop is free of charge, but it is subject to registration. Registration can be done by clicking on the following link:
After registration, you will receive an e-mail confirmation, which already contains the link of access to the workshop. If you did not receive the confirmation, then please check the Spam folder or contact your IT administrator.
The event can be attended via the link in the conformation email.
The workshop’s presentations are in English, translated into Hungarian by simultaneous interpreters, so the presentations can be followed in two languages. At the workshop questions to be addressed to the speakers can be asked in writing in the Q&A section, which will be answered in writing by the speakers after the event. After the workshop you will find both the Q&As and the presentations on the following website:
This invitation is not personal and can therefore be forwarded to any railway professionals who are interested in the presentations at the workshop.
Thank you for your interest in the virtual ERA workshop!
Oldřich Sládek